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This weekend is Super Bowl weekend.... know what that means?

This weekend is Super Bowl weekend.... 
know what that means?

It means I will be sparse this weekend.
Saturday will be spent making preparations
and trying to avoid the ANGRY soldier in my house,
then Sunday will be spent in front of the television.

Funny thing is I'll be so exhausted by the time
the game airs that I bet I fall asleep before 
it's even in the fourth quarter....
well, unless it's an exciting game!
Still angry and cleaning like a
Molly Maid crew!

I'm behind New England Patriots,
please no need to leave comments...
I was born in New England, 
that's my sole reason for backing them.

I know about as much about football
as I do about my husband! LOL

I know there must be tons of you that are
entertaining and will be up half the night
cleaning the aftermath of the game.

Any great recipes for Super Bowl Sunday
you'd like to share?
Just email me at:
I'll make a post tomorrow with the shared recipes,
be sure to sign your email if you'd like me to
acknowledge where the recipe came from!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!
I'll be here, but like I said, I will be sparse!

I ♥ my Frugal Friends!