FREE Online Chore Chart

Stoneware Bread Basket, only $19.99 shipped!

Stoneware Bread Basket, only $19.99 shipped!

Choose from Red, Blue, Yellow, or White;
whichever compliments your decor!

I just have to have one of these,
perfect for keeping bread warm on the table.
Or just use as a fruit basket when not
using it heated.

I can think of so many ways to use this,
I'm buying two myself.....
maybe three!
Perfect for my "Patriotic" decor!
Can't wait to use them!

They also make a perfect gift
for the new bride or a great
housewarming gift for the bachelor!

Click HERE to get your
Stoneware Bread Basket, only $19.99 shipped!

*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.