FREE Gallon of Iced Tea
w/purchase of a
Crave Case at White Castle!
Entertaining for the holiday,
have family coming in but
don't want to spend all your time
in the kitchen cooking.
Grab a Crave case,
or two!
Crave Case includes
30 sliders and comes in
several different varieties.
One coupon per customer,
per visit.
Coupon expires on
September 8, 2012.
Coupon can NOT be used
when ordering online,
but you can call ahead and order.
Click HERE to get your
coupon(s) for a
FREE Gallon of Iced Tea
w/purchase of a
Crave Case at White Castle!
This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
There was NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.