1/2 Price Cheesecake at
The Cheesecake Factory
on July 30, 2012!
On July 30th make sure to
stop by any Cheesecake Factory and
get any slice for HALF PRICE
in celebration of
National Cheesecake Day!
Plus, to top it off,
their Facebook fans
will have the offer extended
to July 31, 2012!
Just print out the offer on
their Facebook page and
redeem it at any
Cheesecake Factory location.
The offer on July 30th is
good for EVERYONE,
no coupon necessary, and
the offer on July 31st is
good for their Facebook fans.
You could get 1/2 price cheesecake
two days in a row! : )
Click HERE to find a
Cheesecake Factory near you.
Click HERE to print off the
Facebook fan offer for
1/2 Price Cheesecake at
The Cheesecake Factory
on July 31, 2012 too!
This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
There was NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.