FREE Recipe for Savory Monkey Bread
from Gooseberry Patch!
I'm a huge fan of Monkey Bread,
especially for a late morning meal,
curled up in bed with a cup of coffee and
the Sunday paper (coupon clipping, of course).
But that works best with the
sweet version of Monkey Bread
I've got to give this recipe a try,
it's totally different than the
Monkey Bread I usually make.
Not to mention it's SUPER easy
and doesn't involve nearly the work
it takes to make traditional Monkey Bread.
This would actually be great with
a nice Italian dinner.
Or with some homemade marina sauce
for dipping.
Click HERE to get your
FREE Recipe for Savory Monkey Bread
from Gooseberry Patch!
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There was NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
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