New Simon Cowell Book: ‘Can’t Stand’ J-Lo,
Thought About Hooking Up with Paula Abdul!
More details are leaking about the new biography
"Sweet Revenge: The Intimate Life of Simon Cowell."
In the book, which was excerpted by
the New York Daily News,
Simon Cowell admits he thought about sleeping with
his fellow former "American Idol" judge Paula Abdul,
but later changed his mind, because,
"We would have to have a conversation afterwards,
and I don't know what we would have said."
Cowell also reportedly said of current
"Idol" judge Jennifer Lopez,
"I've never met her, but I can't stand her."
The book, by Tom Bower, hits U.S. stores on May 1.
Click HERE to read the article, with links:
New Simon Cowell Book: ‘Can’t Stand’ J-Lo,
Thought About Hooking Up with Paula Abdul!
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