Kevin Costner dedicated the song
"Angels Came Down" to
Fallen Soldiers on April 14th.
I have been infatuated with Kevin Costner
since I first watched the movie
"The Bodyguard".
Hearing this song only made me
like him even more,
if that was possible.
On a serious note,
get a tissue,
this one WILL make you cry.
You will want to read the ABC News article
about his dedication of the song,
click HERE for that.
I promise to post more deals,
FREEbies and coupons as soon as
I can find some and no more
tear-jerkers for the night.
Click HERE or on the picture above
to listen to "Angels Came Down".
This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
There was NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.