FREE Online Chore Chart

FREE Large Coca-Cola in a Reusable Cup w/purchase of any entrée at Baja Fresh! Offer expires April 26, 2012!

FREE Large Coca-Cola in a Reusable Cup 
w/purchase of any entrée at Baja Fresh!
Offer expires April 26, 2012!

Just click the link below and print your coupon,
then head to your nearest Baja Fresh.
Purchase an  entrée, get the cup for FREE and
get 99¢ Refills for Life!

What an awesome deal!
You only have a couple more days
to get your FREE Reusable Cup!

Click HERE to find the Baja Fresh nearest you.

Click HERE to print the coupon for a
FREE Large Coca-Cola in a Reusable Cup 
w/purchase of any entrée at Baja Fresh!

This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
There was NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.