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Geography Matters is giving MILITARY Homeschooling families a Complete Trail Guide to Learning Curriculum Set!

Geography Matters is giving Military Homeschooling families
 a Complete Trail Guide to Learning Curriculum Set!

Twice this year, Geography Matters will select a
MILITARY family that is homeschooling to receive
one of their complete Trail Guide to Learning
curriculum sets.

These sets have a retail value of over 
five hundred (yes, $500) dollars.  
It's one small way that Geography Matters can give back to those
who have sacrificed so much for each of us.

Would you join Geography Matters in their mission by 
letting them know about your own homeschooling Military Family,
or by nominating a (military) family that you know?

Geography Matters will select a family in February
and one in November of 2012.
Please use the submission form, found by following link below.
Be sure to spread the word to others that might be interested.

(Please note that at this time, this promotion is only open to
Thank you for your understanding!)

Click HERE to enter yourself
or a military family you know for the
Geography Matters Military Homeschooling families giveaway
of a Complete Trail Guide to Learning Curriculum Set!

Click HERE to check out Geography Matters!

*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.