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Fundex Toss Across Splash Game-880 for only $19.99 shipped!

Fundex Toss Across Splash Game-880
for only $19.99 shipped!

  • Take your love of Tic-Tac-Toe into the pool with the Toss Across Spash Game
  • Each player picks a letter to throw to each turn
  • Just like Tic-Tac-Toe, the first player to make three "X's" or "O's" in a row going up, down, across, or diagonally wins
  • Foam pads allow the base to float around your pool
  • Includes 6 floating bean bags
  • Can be played in the grass, as well as in the pool
  • Players 2-4
  • Recommended for ages 8 and up

Click HERE to get your
Fundex Toss Across Splash Game-880
for only $19.99 shipped!

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