FREE Online Chore Chart

Only $15 for a $45 Hardcover Photo Book from My Publisher!

Only $15 for a $45 Hardcover 
Photo Book from My Publisher!

Here's how it works:
1. Sign in or create a MyPublisher account
2. Purchase a voucher
3. Check your inbox for your voucher number
(valid for 90 days)
4. Download their software to get started

Offer Includes:
- 30 page Classic Hardcover photo book
(value $40)
- Cover Options: Photo Finish or Book Jacket
(value $5)
WAS $45, NOW $15!

This would make the perfect way
to remember Easter 2012.
Or to share the holiday with
a deployed loved one!

Offer is for NEW Customers only,
expires March 23, 2012.
That is the date vouchers can 
no longer be purchased, 
but you have 90 days to use them.

Click HERE to check it out,
Only $15 for a $45 Hardcover 
Photo Book from My Publisher!

*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
There was NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.