FREE Online Chore Chart

Your Shape for Wii, for only $7.96 with FREE site to store shipping!

Your Shape for Wii, for only $7.96 with 
FREE site to store shipping!

This is an awesome price for
this game at

Does anyone have this game?
Is it an easy game, or does the camera
have difficulty picking you up?

I see mixed reviews on this,
most seem positive but I have experience
with the Wii and XBox 360.
Wii had a much more difficult time
picking up my movement it seemed,
but I wonder if it was the room I was in.

We used Wii in bedroom and
we use XBox 360 in living room.
That may be the difference,
so I'd love to hear from anyone who
has used this game! : )

Click HERE to get
Your Shape for Wii, for only $7.96 with 
FREE site to store shipping!

*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
I received NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.