FREE Online Chore Chart

Barnes & Noble offers 15% off one item, or 20% off one item if you are a member!

Barnes & Noble offers 15% off one item, or 
20% off one item if you are a member!

This is a pretty good deal,
can even be used online,
but remember if you shop online
you still have to pay shipping.

If you are a member with 
Barnes & Noble,
you get 20% off one item.
Click HERE for that coupon
and/or coupon code.

If you are NOT a member with
Barnes & Noble,
you get 15% off one item.
Click HERE for that coupon
and/or coupon code.

Both offers are good through
February 20, 2012.

*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
I received NO compensation for this post.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.