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Mr. Coffee Single-Serve Coffee Maker Powered by Keurig, only $54.99 shipped!

Mr. Coffee Single-Serve Coffee Maker 
Powered by Keurig, only $54.99 shipped!

If you've really wanted a Keurig but
just don't have the $100+ to shell out for one,
I think this coffee maker would be a good start.
I know I started with a single serve Black & Decker
coffee maker and that gave me just the push I needed
to save my change for a while and save up for my Keurig.

Once you enjoy the single-serve coffee maker,
you'll never go back to the old 12-cup!
No filters, no messy coffee grinds,
so clean and easy to use!

It's a FRESH cup of coffee, tea, chia tea,
hot chocolate, apple cider, etc., each time!
Yes, you'll be spoiled!

This is a refurbished item,
but the closest I can find to this price is
$79.00 on Amazon and $141.99 on eBay!
This is a GREAT deal!

Click HERE to see the specifics and get your
Mr. Coffee Single-Serve Coffee Maker 
Powered by Keurig, only $54.99 shipped!

*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.