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FREE Foster Care - Taking Care of Pets While Deployed!

FREE Foster Care - 
Taking Care of Pets While Deployed!

The U.S. Department of Defense has
a wonderful article out on what to do with
your family pet(s) during deployment!
In part it says:

"Many military pet parents struggle with what to do with 
their forever friend when serving our nation away from home. 
It can be tough to stay focused on the mission at hand
 if family affairs aren’t in order.

Enter our partners in the nonprofit sector. 
For the past several years, many organizations
 have stepped up to the plate, 
providing foster pet services to our deploying troops."

Click HERE to read the full article regarding
FREE Foster Care - 
Taking Care of Pets While Deployed!

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It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.