DC Shoes on sale, up to 70% off, with FREE shipping!
You can get infant through adult sizes.
The shoes pictured above are available
in youth sizes for only $24.00.
I found shoes, flip-flops, and even boots
in everything from infant to adult sizes
while I browsed.
My grandchildren love DC products,
my granddaughter is a BMX bike racer
and we see DC products all over when we
attend races and other BMX events.
These prices are some of the best I've seen
and will be good through
February 3, 2012.
Shop early for the best selection
of designs and sizes.
Click HERE to get your
DC Shoes on sale, up to 70% off, with FREE shipping!
*This post does NOT include an affiliate link.
It is purely informational and is not meant to imply
any association or endorsement.