FREE Online Chore Chart

$.80/4 Hamburger Helper Products, couple it with Kroger's 10 for $10!

$.80/4 Hamburger Helper Products, couple it 
with Kroger's 10 for $10!

If you use two of these coupons,
you're allowed to print two,
then purchase 8 for 8 of your 10 items
at Kroger for their 10 for $10 sale this week.
You'll get each box for $.80,
that's about half of the normal price!


Click HERE to print your coupon(s) for
$.80/4 Hamburger Helper Products!

(PS-Look around while you're there and see
if you can find other coupons you may use!)

Note: The service above is an affiliate link ( 
Which means if you use this link to print a coupon, 
I get a small commission, which is greatly appreciated.