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FREE e-book in celebration of Christmas, Christmas worksheets and MORE.... all FREE at SchoolSparks!

I received this letter from Heather,
over at SchoolSparks and wanted 
to share it with all of you because it is
filled with FREE things to print and
do with your little ones!

From Heather:

I wanted to let you know that I just released a special (and FREE!) e-book in celebration of Christmas!  It's called Christmas Worksheets for Santa's Little Helpers and it is filled with over 20 different Christmas worksheets to help young children practice important skills.  (The e-book can be found in the upper right corner of the Christmas worksheets page on my website.)  As with everything on my website, the e-book is completely free to download and print!
The e-book includes worksheets to help children improve their handwriting, practice following directions, and match letters to the sounds they make.  Plus, the e-book has over 10 Christmas math worksheets that give children practice counting, sorting, graphing, and creating patterns.  Best of all, each worksheet features adorable Christmas illustrations, such as a jolly Santa and beautifully wrapped presents.  In addition to the assortment of worksheets, the e-book also includes lots of simple suggestions for incorporating learning into everyday activities like trimming the tree or opening holiday cards.
After downloading your free copy of Christmas Worksheets for Santa's Little Helpers, consider printing any of the other 500 free kindergarten worksheets featured on my website.
If you do share Christmas Worksheets for Santa's Little Helpers with your readers, please have the link point to the Christmas worksheets page ( where the e-book is located and do not link to the pdf file directly.  Thanks so much.
I wish you and all your readers a very Merry Christmas!


Feel free to click on any of the links above, 
I have personally clicked on all of them....
they're filled with great things.
In a pinch, print the 
and put it in their stocking!  

So many ideas....
and it's all FREE!!