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The Frugal Army Wife will have no new posts from Nov. 23 - Nov. 29!

The Frugal Army Wife will have no new posts
from Nov. 23 - Nov. 29!

My husband and I will be sharing our Anniversary aboard
"The Love Boat" (Carnival Cruise line)!

I know I have the most amazing fans of any 
Fan Page on Facebook,
I feel like I know some of you personally 
because we interact so well.  
And then there are those that I do know personally,
that  number grows daily and I am extremely
thankful for the amazing women I have met.

Please take the time, when you aren't spending it
with YOUR loved ones, to go back through the older
posts and see what is still available.
You may be surprised the things I posted weeks ago
that you can still get,
some even months ago!

I ♥ my Frugal Friends!

If you are feeling especially thankful and
giving this holiday season,
PLEASE send invites to your friends/family
so they can follow "The Frugal Army Wife"

Be sure to hug and kiss your loved ones and
if you are a Military wife spending the holiday without
your hero.... please know you are not alone!!
There are MANY Military wives out there who
will be saying a silent prayer for you,
because we've been there too.